Key Research Projects
These five research features below are designated for our key research projects.
Main Results in 2015
Gene-Modified Cynomolgus Monkey
We succeeded in creation of one genetically modified Cynomolgus monkey that expresses green fluorescent protein (GFP) for the first time in the world. Other four Cynomolgus monkeys created at the same time that do not express GFP are also confirmed as transgenic monkeys.
Neurodegenerative Diseases
We have proved that Shiga-Y5 compound that was developed at our university is effective against Alzheimer disease on animal testing and published in international journal. This result was posted in the press release of the MEXT.
Noncommunicable diseases
We have identified a new test method for potassium to diagnose the progression of diabetic nephropathy and kidney failure symptoms. School of medicine and nursing have conducted joint research on the relationship between the effects of low blood sugar level, postural sway and complications in patients with diabetes. Papers on each subject published in the journals.
Cancer Treatment Research
We have completed the clinical trial to study the effectiveness of peptide vaccine therapy in treating patients with lung cancer. Four articles on research results of cancer biomarkers and personalized medicine has been published in the academic journals, e.g. Scientific Report.
Industry and Academia Collaboration -Biomedical Innovation Center-
We developed a prototype surgical instrument for ablation and sutures which is to introduce in clinical practice. This enables us to perform the surgical removal of part of the liver and spleen with one single device.